PICTURETHIS(TM) "SHAREWARE" VERSION RELEASE 4.00 DECEMBER 31, 1991 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN RELEASES 3.00 and 4.00 Copyright 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 by Patricia Y. Williams and Gregory Williams, All Rights Reserved. HortIdeas Publishing, 460 Black Lick Road, Gravel Switch, KY 40328 U.S.A. Trademarks/Owners: CaptureThis and PictureThis/Patricia Y. Williams and Gregory Williams; IBM and PC-DOS, International Business Machines Corp.; Hercules/Hercules Computer Technology, Inc.; MS-DOS, Microsoft Corp.; PostScript/Adobe Systems Inc.; typeface names/their respective owners NOTE: Carefully read all of the terms and conditions of the License Agreement (near the beginning of the READTHIS.1ST file on distribution disk #1) PRIOR to using the PictureThis and/or CaptureThis programs. USE OF THE PROGRAM(S) INDICATES YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THOSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Release 4.0 of PictureThis has two major improvements. First, it works now at EGA and VGA resolutions (in addition to CGA). Second, the editor is larger and more capable, making PictureThis into a full-fledged PostScript page layout "desktop publishing" typesetting program, as well as a vector-based drawing program. There are other minor improvements, and a few bugs have been corrected. 1.0 EGA/VGA SCREENS PictureThis 4.0 now works with EGA (350 line) and VGA (480 line) graphics modes. You'll need to specify in the command line which type of screen you are using (see section 6.0). EGA and VGA screens use more memory than CGA, so you might want to use CGA for complex drawings. VGA uses more memory than EGA (which looks almost as good), so you might want to standardize on EGA. You can import drawings prepared in any screen mode (including those done using earlier versions of PictureThis) into any other screen mode. (There might be slight round-off errors when you do this, but usually these aren't noticeable.) You also can capture screens in EGA or VGA modes for use as templates (see section 10.0). Templates captured in EGA/VGA modes can be used in the other mode (EGA template on VGA screen or vice versa), but the aspect ratio will be wrong, and if you use a VGA template in EGA mode, you will lose the bottom of it. CGA templates can only be used in CGA mode. NOTE: PictureThis uses the EGA/VGA memory in a somewhat non-standard way. If you have a memory optimizer which tries to use the "excess" EGA/VGA memory (such as DESQview's QEMM), you might have problems! (Disable the optimizer if necessary.) 2.0 PROGRAM IN TWO PARTS The program is in two parts: PICTHIS4.EXE (the root section) and PICTHIS4.OVL (the overlay section). Using overlays allows more user data, since only part of the overlay is in memory at any one time. If you have extended or expanded memory, overlay parts are automatically cached there. See the user's manual for more details. 3.0 EDITOR CHANGES The editor can import ASCII-format files prepared with word processors. This makes it easy to do not only drawings but entire text pages with PictureThis. 3.1 EDITOR SIZE The standard size for the editor is 200 lines. (If you run short of memory, the number of lines might be smaller.) Since the editor is larger than one screen, you must be able to scroll up and down to the various parts of your text. This is accomplished with the usual PgDn and PgUp keys. Ctrl-Home still takes the cursor to the beginning of the text. Ctrl-End moves the cursor to the end of the text, as before. 3.2 HYPHENATION PictureThis 4.0 hyphenates text automatically. We have incorporated HY-PHEN-EX (Copyright 1989 GeoMaker Software), which uses a sophisticated algorithm to hyphenate words. Hyphenation is ON by default in the editor. All you do is type your text in normally; when the editor determines that it is time to wrap a line, it first checks in the hyphenation exception dictionary HYPHEN.LST (an ASCII-format file which is user-modifiable) for the word that needs to be wrapped. If it can't find the word, HY-PHEN-EX algorithms are used to find possible hyphenation points. If no suitable hyphenation points are found, the line wraps on the nearest SPACE or HARD-HYPHEN. (A HARD-HYPHEN is a hyphen which the user typed in as part of the text.) SOFT-HYPHENS (hyphens inserted by PictureThis) appear different on the screen than normal hyphens (they have a short line down on the left), and can change each time the text is composed. We think HY-PHEN-EX does a good job -- it very rarely places a hyphen where it doesn't belong. But it doesn't catch every allowable hyphen. (There are all kinds of rules about hyphenation, and dictionaries don't always agree. One rule that HY-PHEN-EX uses, which might seem a bit strange, is that it never hyphenates a word less than five characters long.) If you don't like the way a word is hyphenated by HY- PHEN-EX (that is, by PictureThis), you can manually insert your own hyphen. However, this can be dangerous, because if you change any of the text before the inserted hyphen, or change any text parameters (such as font or point size), the hyphen is likely to end up in the middle of the line. (We see this frequently in computer typeset work.) Be careful! A better way is to add your word to the exception dictionary. HYPHEN.LST can be edited in most word processors or editors, including the PictureThis editor. If you are in the PictureThis editor, and you want to change HYPHEN.LST, just save your file (see section 3.3), import HYPHEN.LST, and add a word. Each word in HYPHEN.LST ends in a CARRIAGE RETURN and has hyphens wherever you want to put them. The order in which the words appear is unimportant. Then save HYPHEN.LST. If you want to use the new HYPHEN.LST, you must exit PictureThis (save your drawing first), and restart it. If you add too many words to HYPHEN.LST, it will slow down the hyphenation process. In general, HY-PHEN-EX does such a good job that you will probably seldom need to add a word. It even hyphenates nonsense words "correctly". Note that HY- PHEN-EX is made to work with American English; it will hyphenate foreign words, but possibly incorrectly. With normal text, hyphenation is usually desirable. However if you want to turn hyphenation OFF, put the typesetting code in your text where you want it turned off. Hyphenation can be reactivated with a later in the text. 3.3 IMPORTING AND EXPORTING ASCII FILES IN THE EDITOR PictureThis 4.0 can import text files prepared in word processors. It can also export a file prepared in the editor. To import/export a file while in the editor, first press F10. A line appears at the top of the editor, asking if you want to [R]ead, [W]rite, (or in some cases) [C]ontinue reading a file. If you press R or W, you are asked for a file specification. You can type in a specific file name (with path if necessary), or a file specification with a wild card character (e.g., *.txt) to get a directory of files from which you can choose, or you can just press ENTER and get a directory of all the files in the current directory. Choose a file as usual. If you are writing a file, the contents of the editor will be written to that file, except real CARRIAGE RETURNS replace the END-OF-PARAGRAPH markers in the editor. You could possibly use this saved file in another text editor, but the PictureThis editor is NOT a general purpose editor, and shouldn't be used as such. The file saving capability is mainly so that if you are editing and have to quit, you can save your file and come back to it later. If you are reading a file, a portion of the file will be appended to the END of the text that is already in the editor, until it fills 75% of the editor's lines. PictureThis remembers what portion of the file has been read, so after you set part of the editor's text to the drawing (in the process, freeing some of the editor's lines), you can continue reading that file where you left off. If you have previously read from a file, when you press F10, you will be given the choice to [C]ontinue reading from the same file. Just press C and another portion of the file is appended to the end of the text remaining in the editor, filling no more than 75% of the editor's lines. Why does it fill only 75% of the editor's lines? To allow you to edit the text without overflowing the end of the editor. If you do overflow, (e.g., by changing to a much larger point size), the text which overflows is permanently lost, and you will be warned that it has happened. An example of a typical session of typesetting a few-page document for which you have an ASCII file produced by a word processor follows: A. Run CONVERT on the file (see section 4.0). B. Set up your frame and margins on the drawing screen. Let's say you want a two-column layout on 8-1/2 by 11 paper. (You could use TWOCOL.DRW.) Choose the left column's margin and place the cursor at the top left of the margin (Ctrl-L, Ctrl-T). C. Set up the font, point size, justification, etc. Save the layout as a drawing. D. Enter the editor. E. Press F10, then R, then type your file name in. Part of the file is read into the editor. F. Edit the text as necessary. Compose (F3). G. Note the line where the Height Remaining indicator turns negative. Place an END-OF-TEXT (Ctrl-Q) marker at the beginning of this line. Press F5 to set the text to the first column. H. Switch the margin to the second column and move the cursor to the top left of this column. Enter the editor. Notice that the text that was previously after the END-OF- TEXT marker is now at the beginning of the editor. I. Press F10, then C, to continue reading the Ascii file. J. Edit and set the second column as you did the first. K. Save your first page as a drawing and possibly an EPS file. L. Read the layout you previously saved as a drawing back in, position the cursor at the top of the first column, and repeat the above procedure. M. Continue the above until you have reached the end of the word processor file. 3.4 COPYING/MOVING/DELETING BLOCKS OF TEXT PictureThis 4.0 allows the user to mark a block of text in the editor, then move or copy that block to a different position in the editor or delete the block. To mark a block, place the cursor at the beginning of the block and press Alt-B; then place the cursor at the end of the block (the character AFTER the last character of the block) and press Alt-E. If both ends are marked and the beginning is before the end, the marked block appears in reverse text. You can edit within or outside of the marked block, and it remains marked. You can compose or perform any other editor operations while the block is marked. To delete a marked block, press Alt-D. The block is deleted, and the text is recomposed. To move a marked block, place the cursor after the character you want the block to follow and press Alt-M. The block is moved to the new location and remains marked; the text is recomposed. To copy a marked block, place the cursor after the character you want the copy to follow and press Alt-C. A copy of the block is placed at the cursor. The copy remains marked (to make multiple copying easy). The text is recomposed. The original block is not changed, but it is no longer marked. To "unmark" a block, press Alt-U. 3.5 FINDING/REPLACING TEXT PictureThis 4.0 allows the user to find text in the editor and to replace this text with other text. To find text, place your cursor somewhere BEFORE the text you want to find. Then press F9. The top line asks for the text you want to find. Type it in and press ENTER. (The text can include Ctrl-A, Ctrl-Z, and Ctrl-Q for their equivalents in the text. It can also include Ctrl-E to find the END-OF- PARAGRAPH symbol (down-arrow) which you get when you press ENTER.) Another line appears, asking you to specify other options. If you want to merely find the first instance of the text after the cursor, press ENTER. The cursor moves to the first character of the first instance of the found text. If no instance is found, the cursor does not move, and you see a message. The editor recomposes the text whenever it is attempting a find, so it will find text even if it is wrapped at the end of a line and even if it has a SOFT- HYPHEN inserted in it. If you want to find the next instance of the same text, press F9 again. Notice that your previous text to be found is shown on the top line, so if you want to find the same text again, just press ENTER twice. It will find the NEXT instance of the text. Before you press ENTER to execute the find, you can also specify whether you want to find only text that is exactly like that you typed in (case sensitive, the default), or text that has the same letters, but possibly of a different case (capitals vs. small letters) than that originally typed in (case insensitive). If you specify case insensitive by pressing I, and you are searching for 'dog', the search also finds 'DOG' and 'Dog'. You can also press S for case sensitive, if you have previously chosen case insensitive. If you want to replace found text with different text, before you press ENTER, press R. You are asked for text to substitute for the original text. Type in your text (you can include the same Ctrl characters as in the find line) and press Enter. You then have, in addition to the case option, a next/all option. Next (the default) means that only the next instance of the found text is replaced. Press A for all if you want ALL instances past the cursor position to be replaced. When you are ready to execute the replace command, press ENTER. The text is recomposed, and the next/all instance(s) of the found text is replaced with the replace text. The cursor goes to the beginning of the last replaced text. If no instance is found, the cursor does not move, and you see a message. If you want to perform the same replace operation again, press F9, ENTER, R, ENTER, ENTER. 4.0 CONVERTING A WORD PROCESSOR FILE Text can be prepared for a PictureThis drawing entirely in the editor, but you might want to typeset text which was previously prepared in a word processor. In section 3.3, you learned how to import an ASCII file into the PictureThis editor. If you import a file directly from a word processor into the PictureThis editor, you will have usable, but not necessarily ideal, text. The editor IGNORES any Ctrl characters which it does not use (such as a linefeed) and replaces RETURNS with its own END-OF-PARAGRAPH character (down-arrow). This is fine in some cases, but not in others. Various word processors use different methods to mark special occurrences (e.g., indents, page breaks) in their files. In particular, each word processor has a special method to distinguish between HARD-RETURNS (returns which the user enters) and SOFT-RETURNS (returns which the word processor inserts when it decides that a line needs to be wrapped). A typical method is to use a SPACE followed by a CR for a SOFT-RETURN and just a CR for a HARD-RETURN. For typical text imported into the PictureThis editor, you want the SOFT-RETURNS to turn into just a SPACE and the HARD- RETURNS to turn into just a CR, since you are reformatting the text into a different margin. To solve this problem and other similar problems, you can run the word-processor prepared file through the program CONVERT before you import it into PictureThis. CONVERT is a standalone text replacement program useful whenever you need to modify an ASCII file. It uses convert instruction files (we recommend using the extension .CVT), consisting of comments and search/replace pairs. We have prepared a standard convert instruction file (STANDARD.CVT) which is useful with many word processor files. To run CONVERT, simply type CONVERT at the command line. You are first asked for the name of the ASCII file you want to convert. Type in its name (with path if necessary) and press ENTER. You are then asked for the name of the file you want to write. Type it in and press ENTER. You are asked for the name of the conversion instruction file (e.g., STANDARD.CVT). Type it in and press ENTER. You are asked if you want to replace all multiple spaces with single spaces. (This is preferable for most typesetting. When most people type, they place two spaces at the end of each sentence. This is usually NOT done when typesetting text, so it is desirable to get rid of the multiple spaces. There are occasions when it is not desirable to get rid of multiple spaces; for instance, if you are typesetting computer code, the multiple spaces at the beginning of each line give the code "structure" which you want to maintain.) If you want to change multiple spaces to single spaces, press Y, otherwise press any other key. Finally you are asked if you want to strip the high-order bits of each character. WORDSTAR and some other word processors mark certain characters by adding a high-order bit to the character (equivalent to adding 128 to the character's ASCII value). For files from these word processors, press Y; the high-order bits are stripped off. (In general, this usually won't harm text prepared by non- WORDSTAR-like word processors.) CONVERT then reads the first 10000 characters of your Ascii file (or the whole file, if it is shorter than 10000 characters). It performs the first search/replace command in the chosen convert instruction file on the entire read portion of the file. Then it performs the second search/replace command on the results of the first command. It continues until it performs all of the search/replace commands in the chosen convert instruction file, then it writes the resulting portion of the file. It then reads the next 10000 characters of the ASCII file and repeats the process on this portion of the file. It continues to read and process portions of the ASCII file until it has processed all of it. Since CONVERT processes portions of the Ascii file separately (so that it can handle any size file), it is possible that at a break between portions, a search/replace command is incorrectly processed. CONVERT attempts to correct such errors, but it is still possible (though unlikely) that such an error could occur. If there is a possible error at any break point, CONVERT informs you where the error might occur. Even if CONVERT warns you of such a possible error, it is not likely that such an error actually occurred, and you probably can ignore the warning. If such an error occurred, you would probably notice it in the process of normal proofreading. To make a convert instruction file, use a text editor or word processor. You do not want any special control codes, etc. in your convert file, so save the file as an ASCII file or non-document file. Or you can use the PictureThis editor to make a convert instruction file. Here are the rules: No line can be longer than 80 characters. Any line starting in column 1 with a SEMICOLON (;) is considered a comment and ignored. Any line consisting only of a CARRIAGE RETURN is ignored. A search line is any other line, and is immediately followed by a replace line (no comments or empty lines are allowed between search and replace lines). Any keyboard character except '=' or ';' (d,G,8,*, etc.) can be included in a search or a replace line, and represents itself. Special strings beginning with '=' can also be used, as described below. (In the table 'N' represents a single digit, 0 - 9.) Special Character Meaning =e or =E carriage return =l or =L line feed == equals sign =; semicolon =NNN the character represented by the ASCII value NNN; NNN must be less than 256 (e.g., =032 is the same as SPACE, and easier to read) =?N a wildcard character that matches any character =aN a wildcard character that matches any alphabetic character (a-z, A-Z) =#N a wildcard character that matches any digit (0-9) =.N a wildcard character that matches any punctuation character Examples of search lines: the dog will match 'the dog' =a3=#9 will match 'A1', 'j5', 'Q0' =?5"=032 will match 't" ', '?" ', '4" ' t=a1=.7g will match 'th,g', 'tD@g' When a match is found, it is replaced by what the replace line indicates. A normal character in a replace line produces that character. A wildcard character uses the character that was found to replace it in its position. Examples of search/replace pairs: the dog 'the dog' will be replaced by 'the cat' the cat =a3=#9 'A1' will be replaced by '1a'; 'j5' =#9=a3 will be replaced by '5j' =?5"=032 't" ' will be replaced by 't'' ' =?5''=032 =a1=#1=a2=#2 'b3c4' will be replaced by 'cb43'; =a2=a1=#2=#1 'A9Q8' will be replaced by 'QA89' You cannot have a wildcard character in a replace line which does not appear in the corresponding search line. An equals sign followed by characters which are not in the previous list is also an illegal string. If an illegal search/replace pair is found, CONVERT aborts the conversion process. Examples of illegal search/replace pairs: =q4 a=q4 =?abc =?cba =32dog dog =a2cat=a4 =a1dog=a4 =456 ggg STANDARD.CVT includes search/replace pairs to do the following: Replace SPACE followed by CARRIAGE RETURN with a SPACE. (To get rid of some SOFT-RETURNS.) Replace DOUBLE-QUOTES with a pair of SINGLE-QUOTES. (This is normal typesetting practice.) Replace a TAB with 8 spaces. Replace a < with the special character used to start a typesetting code in the PictureThis editor. Replace a > with the special character used to end a typesetting code in the PictureThis editor. We don't know all of the ways word processors represent SOFT-RETURNS and other important codes. If STANDARD.CVT does not work properly with your word-processor files, you can modify it and/or add to it to make it work. Sometimes just writing the file out in ASCII mode might help. Try it! Write a short file in your word processor. Then look at the HEX version of it using any one of numerous utilities that exist. We'd use LOTUS MAGELLAN, but there are many more. Try to figure out what code your word processor is using for a SOFT-RETURN, and write a conversion instruction file to change it to a SPACE. 5.0 MEMORY MANAGEMENT/SAVING TEXT BACKGROUND PictureThis 4.0 is a large and complex program which maintains a large amount of user generated data and thus uses a lot of computer memory. But it is still usable on a PC with only standard memory (640K). There is no need to have extended and/or expanded memory (though you can use them (see section 2.0)). Four types of data use considerable memory: 1. Data used to define curves, trails, and objects. You must set how many curves are allowed with a command line parameter (see section 6.0). 2. Textblock data (all of the text, plus all of the information needed for placing the text in the proper position, with the proper font, size, etc.). The memory required for this depends on how much text is in a drawing. When a textblock is cut or deleted, much of the memory it used is freed, but a portion of it is NOT freed. If you cut and delete large textblocks frequently, you can build up a considerable amount of unusable memory. THIS MEMORY CAN BE FREED SIMPLY BY SAVING YOUR DRAWING AND THEN GETTING IT AGAIN. 3. Font information (character widths, kerning, etc.) for each font used and definitions of all characters for each screenfont used. 4. Background pixel color values for the drawing screen. When each curve is drawn, the previous color of each pixel in the curve is saved. This allows you to move or erase a curve (or a full object) without leaving "holes" in the background. (This is most obvious when you are using a template.) This information is saved in a highly compressed form used not only for redrawing the background when an element is erased, but also for dashing elements for selection (e.g., when choosing an object to copy). Unfortunately, for large textblocks, this takes a lot of memory. A page of small text uses a lot of pixel memory, sometimes more than is available. "Jabbering" the text helps, but is sometimes undesirable. To solve this problem, we have added the ability to turn off the background save FOR TEXT ONLY. To do this, press F9 to enter the Miscellaneous menu, and then press B. You can choose S for saving the text background or N for NOT saving the text background. With either selection, the program functions essentially the same. When NoSave is chosen, there are only minor differences: a. When any text is erased, a hole is left in the background. Press D to redraw and get rid of the hole. b. Where text is normally dashed-and-dotted (for grouping an object), it is dashed with NoSave. c. Dashing and erasing of text is slower. For normal drawing with only small amounts of text, use the Save option (the default). If you are doing a full page of text, it is probably preferable to use the NoSave option and/or to "jabber" the text (on the drawing screen only). If you save a drawing, the current Save/NoSave option is saved with the drawing and is used when the drawing is imported. When you are setting text from the editor, you might see a message stating that there is not enough memory to save text, and that the editor is aborting. If you see this message, don't panic. Save your drawing. Import it again. Then go back into the editor and check whether you have placed an END-OF-TEXT marker in the appropriate place (you might have been trying to set the contents of the entire editor, which could be much more than will fit on the page); if not, put one in. Press F5 to try setting the text again. If it doesn't work this time, you will have to jabber the text on the drawing screen or switch to NoSave for text background. If there is enough memory to save the text, there still might not be enough memory to display the text while saving the background. For this message, the same remedy applies; do one, two, or all three of the following: a. Save the drawing and import it again. b. Jabber the text on the drawing screen. c. Change text background setting to NoSave. 6.0 COMMAND LINE PARAMETERS/CONFIGURATION FILE PictureThis 4.0 requires new command line parameters to specify its new options. You may specify how many curves you want to allow for and what screen type you are using. This information is saved in a configuration file in the default directory (called PICTHIS.CFG) and used the next time you run PICTHIS4, so you don't have to type in configuration information when you subsequently run PictureThis unless you want to change it. The two command line parameters are, IN ORDER: 1. A letter (a-h or A-H). The letter indicates how many curves are to be allowed. An 'A' (or 'a') means 250 curves. Each succeeding letter adds 250 more curves, so: a = 250; b = 500; c = 750; d = 1000; e = 1250; f = 1500; g = 1750; h = 2000. Unlike previous versions of PictureThis, you no longer have to specify the number of pixels allowed; memory for pixels is automatically allocated. Text uses a LOT of pixel memory, especially on EGA/VGA screens, so if you are using a lot of text, either toggle "jabber" on so "real" text only shows on the Quickshow screen, set the curve number low, and/or set the BkgdSave setting on the Miscellaneous menu to NoSave. 2. A three letter indicator of the screen type: CGA, EGA, or VGA. If not specified, the default is CGA. The command line parameters must be specified in order, but you do not need to specify all of them. If you need to specify only the number of curves, just specify the first parameter. But if you need to change the screen type, you must specify both parameters. Examples of legal command lines: PICTHIS4 b ega PICTHIS4 A VGA picthis4 d picthis4 c EGA PictureThis saves in PICTHIS.CFG not only these command line parameters, but also the aspect ratio and the directories of the font files, the screen font files, and the Kartoon features files. If you install PictureThis correctly, PICTHIS.CFG should include the proper directories. When you need to use these files (i.e., when selecting a font or going into Kartoon mode), if PictureThis cannot find the needed file, it asks you for a new directory. After you type in this new directory, it is saved in PICTHIS.CFG, so you do not have to type in the directory every time you run PictureThis (as was necessary in Version 3.0). 7.0 SAVING AND IMPORTING A DRAWING In PictureThis 3.0, when a drawing was saved, the current contents of the editor were saved along with the drawing. This is no longer desirable, since you can now save the editor contents independently. Now when you save a drawing, the contents of the editor are NOT saved (but text already in the drawing IS saved, of course). When you import a drawing, the contents of the editor are NOT changed (even if it is a version 3.0 drawing with saved editor contents). This is preferable if you are working with a large file prepared in a word processor: you can import your page layout drawing; enter the editor; read in the word processor file; set as much text as is needed to fill the page; save the drawing; import the page layout drawing again; reenter the editor (the text will start after the text that was set); read in more of the word processor file; fill the second page; etc. 8.0 HELP SCREENS The Help Screens have been slightly modified. When you are viewing the Main (Drawing) Help Screen, and you determine which key that you want to press, you can press that key while still viewing the Help Screen, and you will return to the drawing screen with the operation performed. There are now TWO Editor Help Screens (in addition to the Font Number Screen). 9.0 NEW SCREENFONT Included on the distribution disk is STANDARD.SFT. This is a modified screen font which draws somewhat faster than the STANDARD.SFT included with release 3.0. You can continue using the old STANDARD.SFT if you prefer the way that it looks. 10.0 CAPTURING A SCREEN FOR USE AS A TEMPLATE CAPTHIS and ACAPTHIS work almost as before, but they now capture VGA and EGA screens, in addition to CGA screens. You run CAPTHIS or ACAPTHIS as before. Once loaded, either program is activated when you press Shift-PrintScreen. Either program determines the current screen mode and captures the appropriate type of screen. If the current mode is a text mode, it is not captured, and a regular Shift- PrintScreen is executed. CGA templates are captured as in p revious versions. EGA and VGA templates are compressed as they are saved, so their files are of different sizes, depending on how complex they are. The Shift-PrintScreen interrupt is sometimes taken over by the program you are running, in which case CAPTHIS and ACAPTHIS will not work. This seems to be more true with EGA/VGA programs than CGA programs. For example, CAPTHIS and ACAPTHIS will not work if you have run MAGELLAN, even if you exit from it. If you have trouble using CAPTHIS and ACAPTHIS, try rebooting your computer without any shells and TSR's. 11.0 DASH CHANGES The lengths of the dashes and gaps in both default and user specified dash patterns are now measured in line-weights instead of points. In PictureThis 4.0, if a dash is set to be 4 line-weights long, it will be 4 points long for a curve with line weight (thickness) of 1 point, but only 2 points long for a curve with line weight .5. The dash patterns are now proportional to the line-weight of the curve. You may also set dashes and gaps to the values .1, .2, ..., .9 which allows (almost) round or square dots when the linecap is round or square. If you use a drawing prepared in PictureThis 3.0 which has curves with dash patterns in PictureThis 4.0, the PostScript output will look different, unless the dashed curves all have 1 point line weights.